What I've learned previous week?
Browserlist on package.json
My friend has realized that one of the website he built was not working well on Safari 12. He had used Tailwindcss 3 to style the website and Tailwindcss3 targets to Safari 14+.
So I was looking for a solution to help him and I found of course 😬 The solution was adding "browserlists" into the package.json. Honestly I did not expect it to works but it did 🥳😅
// package.json
"browserslist": {
"production": [
"not dead",
"not op_mini all",
"last 3 safari version" // <-- this is the solution
- https://create-react-app.dev/docs/supported-browsers-features/#configuring-supported-browsers
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2N-evGOcxc
- https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist
Manipulate fetched data in react-query
We use react-query most of our projects in Swiftmade. I was looking for a way to manipulate the data already fetched without refetch. I've found this solution: https://react-query.tanstack.com/reference/QueryClient?utm_source=pocket_mylist#queryclientsetquerydata
const queryClient = useQueryClient();
const data = {...};
queryClient.setQueryData('query-key-here', data);
What did I do during previous week?
I was working on the projects in Swiftmade. We've completed redesigning of Wrkland's website. It's not released yet 😬 I'm looking forward to share it here when it's released. 🥳 We had built a booking system for them last year. You can check it out for now https://booking.wrkland.com
Apart from my daily tasks, I've built a side project in a day 😅 I was using a service to share my all links in a single page. But it's gone I don't understand why 🥺 Then I've decided to built a simple one instead. 🥳
I've published a new programming tutorial for my Turkish audience (Let's build a Twitter Clone 👀)
- https://calendly.com/ - Easy scheduling ahead
- https://supabase.io - Open source Firebase Alternative (Btw I've used supabase's database for heremylinks)
- https://www.refactoringui.com/ - Great tips on UI/UX
- https://error404.fun/ - Royalty free illustrations for pages
- https://invoice-generator.com - Invoice generator
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?utm_source=pocket_mylist&v=0zmYHn82cY8 (Fastest way to deploy a database)